Real Food Benefits

Real Food Benefits

No animal, us humans included, would rather eat highly-processed food over real fresh food.  Some of the benefits of a real food diet include: Clear eyes and ears Easy and efficient digestion Muscular, toned body Smooth, pliable, odor-free skin Shiny, soft,...
Raw or Cooked

Raw or Cooked

Our dogs and cats’ bodies are designed to eat and digest raw food.  It is what they would eat in their natural habitat and before the invention of pet “fast food.”  Our pets’ stomachs are much more acidic and they secrete a higher level of digestive enzymes...
Balanced Diet Essentials

Balanced Diet Essentials

Like all mammals, cats and dogs need a variety of food. Variety is one of the cornerstones of a real food diet. We believe that balance is achieved over time, not every meal.  We offer supplemented meals. However, if you’d like to make your custom pet food using our...
Transitioning Your Pet

Transitioning Your Pet

When transitioning your pet to a whole foods diet, we suggest giving non-supplemented all-meat pet food first.  This way, you can determine if your pet is allergic to any specific meats. Transitioning your pet to a whole foods diet should be done gradually to prevent...
Safe Food Handling

Safe Food Handling

When feeding pets any fresh food, cooked or raw, it is always best to follow good food handling practices to prevent bacterial contamination. Thaw food in the refrigerator. Unless serving, always keep the food in the refrigerator. Keep raw pet food away from other...